Building Signage & Wall Art

Transform your space with Altapac's captivating building signage & wall art. From logos to murals, we create visual experiences that leave a lasting impression!

Custom printed wallpaper and wall art from Altapac is the perfect way to add a unique feature for your home, office or business. Designed and printed from our studio in Kotara, our wallpaper and wall art can be shipped across the country and easily applied on almost any flat wall surface.

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You can choose from a totally custom design or a premade design for your new wallpaper or wall art. Our Graphics team are available to design the right wallpaper or art to suit your need. Show off your business or your personality and get something that is unique to you.

Once you’ve landed on your design, our team will produce your wallpaper in house on our market-leading material. The combination of our print media and long-lasting ink means your wallpaper will look great for the long term.

If you decide to freshen things up and change your look, your wallpaper is easily removed. If the material isn’t cracked or damaged, it will easily peel away to reveal a perfectly clean wall underneath. When all is done, you’ll have exactly the same surface as you started with before you applied your wallpaper.